Next Steps

Find out the best way to go forward

Christianity does not happen accidentally. We believe it is intentional and because of this, we built 3 steps that are relative to where you are right now.

The Biblical Model of Christian Growth -

  1. Contacting Jesus (His Body, The Church, New Steps)
  2. Believing that Jesus is God (Time with Jesus/ Church)
  3. Obedience to Jesus (Being Born Again / Conversion)
  4. Becoming a Disciple of Jesus (First Steps, Great Steps)

New Steps:

Are you looking to start fresh with God, while answering questions about His existence and plan for you?

If so, this is the place to be. We will answer the big questions that come up when you are new and show you that God is real and has a plan for you.

(4 week course, Sundays from 9:30 am - 10:30 am)

First Steps:

If you have faith in God, turned your life to God, been baptized in Jesus Name, and filled with the Holy Ghost as the scripture says, this class is for you.

Whether you have just been born again or have just moved to AFC from another church similar to ours, we want this class to be your stepping stone, that launches you into a firm Biblical foundation, as well as unifying you with the other members of AFC.

Join this "orientation style" course to connect to, and find your place here at, AFC.

Once completed, it's our hope, you will join a ministry opportunity and help us make a difference in our families and communities.

Great Steps:

Once you are born again of the water and of the Spirit and have completed the "First Steps" course, we want you to get powerful teaching on our Christian Identity.

We encourage you to take the "Great Steps" challenge and really dig into the fulness of Christian living.

We truly believe that this course is where the "rubber meets the road" and in fact, it's required before spiritual teaching or stepping into spiritual leadership.

Once you sign up, we will contact you with more information.